About me

I was responsible for international public relations at the lighting manufacturer Osram for many years. I tried to balance my workload with mountaineering, relaxation techniques and physical exercise. I learnt many methods, but it was yoga that finally enabled me to feel at home in my own body.
With its holistic combination of body, mind and heart, I find Hatha Yoga compelling. I see yoga as an undogmatic practice with long-term effects. I am always fascinated by how this ancient philosophy is applicable to our lives today.
I was lucky enough, in the middle of my life, to be able to reorient myself with a free-lance activity and to discover Energy Yoga - a method that I want to pass on to others as a yoga teacher. I have been continuously learning since May 2012 at the PURNA YOGASCHULE. Since Juni 2016 I am a yoga teacher certified by BDY/EYU. Additional training courses enabled me to deepen my understanding of asana, pranayama, meditation and yoga philosophy.

My teachers:
Agathe Bretschneider
Head of the PURNA YOGASCHULE, yoga teacher BDY/EYU, pupil of Boris Tatzky, Sukumar Shetty and Peter Hersnack, www.purna-yogaschule.de
Boris Tatzky
Pupil of Roger Clerc, Dhirendra Brahmachari and T.K.V. Desikachar. Trainer at French, Italian and German yoga schools, www.conservatoireduyoga.net
Sukumar Shetty
Yoga and Vedanta teacher and yoga therapist. Lives and teaches today near Samse, a little village in the mountains of Karnataka in South India.
Dr. Ellen Fischer
Specialist for Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine, yoga teacher, www.dr-ellen-fischer.de
Eberhard Bärr
Pupil of Sukumar Shetty, yoga and Vedanta teacher and yoga therapist, www.upasana.de
Dr. phil. Eckard Wolz-Gottwald
Lecturer in philosophy at Münster University of Applied Sciences as well as at yoga teacher training, www.ya-mo.de
Helga Simon-Wagenbach
Yoga teacher BDY/EYU in the tradition of Sri Krishnamacharya, Desikachar and Sriram. Teacher of integral yoga meditation, Zen teacher authorized by Willigis Jäger. www.helga-simon-wagenbach.de
Astrid Klinski
Yoga teacher BDY/EYU, www.yoga-astrid-klinski.de
Anna Trökes
Yoga Teacher, www.prana-yogaschule.de
A.G. Mohan and Indra Mohan
Teachers for Yoga Mindfulness, www.svastha.net