My yoga style
"Pause firmly for a long time in a happy internal space — then the pose becomes yoga." Roger Clerc
Energy Yoga is a school of classical Hatha Yoga, founded in France by Roger Clerc. It is based on ancient Indian yoga knowledge (Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Patanjali's Yoga Sutra) and is mainly oriented towards the tradition established by T. Krishnamacharya.
This form of yoga focuses on setting up the individual exercises very precisely and on observing the body, the breath and the internal sensations.
The sequences of movement, poses (asana) and breathing techniques are modified to suit the pupils and lead to conscious awareness and ultimately to meditation.
The longer you practice, the more subtle your perception of the flow of energy as it counterbalances physical, emotional and mental tension. The aim is to build up strength and flexibility as well as to achieve greater inner peace, clarity and unity.